Sherlock Holmes
Check out our impressive list of articles about Sherlock Holmes. Learn about the death of Sherlock Holmes, the inspiration for the character of Holmes, a discussion on Moriarty and more.
Professor James Moriarty

The character of Professor James Moriarty makes quite an impression. However, for all his notoriety he appears in surprisingly few Sherlock Holmes stories. Was Moriarty based on the real-life criminal, Adam Worth?
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Joseph Bell

Was Sherlock Holmes a real person? No, but Dr. Joseph Bell, the man who inspired the character of Sherlock Holmes, shared many qualities with the famous detective.
221B Baker Street

Sherlock Holmes lived in London at 221B Baker Street from approximately 1881 to 1903.Learn more about one of the most famous addresses in all of literature.
The Hound of the Baskervilles

In 1893 Sherlock Holmes met his death at Reichenbach Falls in "The Adventure of the Final Problem". His fans had to wait until 1901 to once again enjoy a novel featuring the great detective. That novel was "The Hound of the Baskervilles".
Characters in the World of Sherlock Holmes

Irene Adler, Mycroft Holmes, Professor Moriarty and more. Here is some information about several of the most important people in the world of Sherlock Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes and Cocaine

The notion that Sherlock Holmes could have been a cocaine addict seems absurd. However, even in A Study in Scarlet, the first work featuring Holmes, there were hints that Sherlock Holmes might have been using drugs.
List of Sherlock Holmes Fiction

Just how many Sherlock Holmes novels and short stories are there? The canon of Sherlock Holmes consists of the 56 short stories and four novels written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Here's a list that includes the date they were published.
The Death of Sherlock Holmes

As time went on Conan Doyle found himself more closely identified with Sherlock Holmes to the exclusion of his other works. "I weary of his name," he told his mother. In his own mind the matter was settled. Holmes must die.