"Detection is, or ought to be, an exact science, and should be treated in the same cold and unemotional manner. You have attempted to tinge it with romanticism, which produces much the same effect as if you worked a love-story or an elopement into the fifth proposition of Euclid." ~ The Sign of The Four
A fine horse or a beautiful woman, I cannot look at them unmoved, even now when seventy winters have chilled my blood. ~ The Crime of The Brigadier
My uncle, Mr. Stephen Maple, had been at the same time the most successful and the least respectable of our family, so that we hardly knew whether to take credit for his wealth or to feel ashamed of his position. ~ The Clubfooted Grocer

An absence of antecedents and of relatives is sometimes an aid rather than an impediment to social advancement. ~ The Black Doctor
"I feel that there is reason lurking in you somewhere, so we will patiently grope round for it." ~ The Lost World
"I trust that age doth not wither nor custom stale my infinite variety." ~ The Adventure of the Empty House
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